Giving & Naming Opportunities
Individuals, families, or foundations who are interested in making a transformative gift that will help Jordan Crossing get built may name one of the rooms in memory of or in honor of a loved one. These gifts will bring the ministry of residential hospice to hundreds of families in the coming years.
The kitchen/dining area will be named for St. Barnabas Lutheran Church, whose gift of the land makes this project possible.
Other rooms that offer naming opportunities include:
the eight patient rooms
the three family gathering areas (marked as “living rooms” and “sun room”)
the guest room (giving a family of a patient a place to stay overnight)
the youth room (a space on the lower level with games and videos to give kids a less intense place to be)
the chapel
the student nurse suite (for Gustavus Adolphus College student nurses)
the volunteer office (coordinating the dozens of volunteers who will provide important service)
For more information about naming opportunities, please contact Wayne Peterson at